+256 706461248
+256 789901504

Physical address:

Nisrab house Bulindo
Kira, Wakiso district

Why you need us as the best option?

1. Desired transformation guaranteed

We always combine the different elements of landscape design i.e. color, contrast, lines & flows, repetition and by doing that, we help home owners & businesses transform their outdoor spaces into a well thought through heaven of relaxation.

2. Cost reduction.

This is achieved in the choice of items used which are always durable of good quality but also not too expensive, we also help in eliminating double work cause by hiring a wrong incompetent team to do the work hence not producing the desired results, making home owners opt for another team to re-do the already poorly done shoddy work.

3. Outdoor space utilization.

With the experience our team posses, we make it a point to mind about the limitations and opportunities the place to design has, then give it the exact needed items/ ornamental features and still make it functional and beautiful.

4. Initial planning.

Before working on any space, us together with our clients, first design a properly detailed concept and follow that promptly as the work progresses hence avoiding double work that causes wastage of materials, time and money arising from guess work.

5. Risk assessment

For any project we set foot on, we always make sure that we have the right items at the right place. This helps in eliminating ugly occurrences i.e. tree obstructions, structural damages etc.

6. Drainage channels.

As running water seems to be the most destructive and challenging factor for landscape, we make it a priority by designing proper routes/channels for it to flow hence doing away with flooding & wall dampness.

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You grow us.

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